Phalaenopsis amboinensis
Phalaenopsis amboinensis
Orchid Care

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Find the Right Orchid Mix

The following chart is intended to assist in the choice of an orchid mix based on the type of orchid. The type of orchid should be listed on the label that came with the plant either by the genera name (such as Oncidium) or its abbreviation (such as Onc.) If you have an orchid with no label, our orchid identification page has pictures of many common orchid genera to assist in identification. Some orchid mixes contain small particles and are best for seedlings and fine rooted orchids. Other mixes have medium to large size particles for thick rooted orchids. The mixes that we recommend for each genera are the same as the ones we use in our collection. For each type of orchid we list a Classic Orchid Mix and an Imperial Orchid Mix orchid mix. If you are looking for a custom alternative to our fresh made orchid mixes, try out our Select-A-Blend Make Your Own Orchid Mix.

Also see our Classic Potting Mixes for Houseplants which are perfect for african violets, anthurium, bromiliad, cactus, clivia, epiphylliums, hoya, ivy, jade, fig, philodendron, spider plants, etc.

Genera Abbrev Recommended Orchid Mixes
Brassavola [B.] Dendrobium Classic Orchid Mix
Dendrobium Imperial Orchid Mix
Catasetum [Ctsm.] Oncidium & Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Cattleya [C.] Cattleya Classic Orchid Mix
Cattleya Imperial Orchid Mix
Cycnoches [Cyc.] Oncidium & Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Cymbidium [Cym.] Cymbidium Classic Orchid Mix
Cymbidium Imperial Orchid Mix
Dendrobium [Den.] Dendrobium Classic Orchid Mix
Dendrobium Imperial Orchid Mix
Doritaenopsis [Dtps.] Phalaenopsis Classic Orchid Mix
Phalaenopsis Montery Orchid Mix
Phal Bark Multi Purpose Classic Orchid Mix
Phalaenopsis AAA Imperial Orchid Mix
Encyclia [Enc.] Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Epidendrum [Epi.] Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Intergenerics Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Laelia [L.] Cattleya Classic Orchid Mix
Cattleya Imperial Orchid Mix
Ludisia [Lds.] Jewel Orchid Classic Mix
Terrestrial Orchid Classic Mix
Lycaste [Lyc.] Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Masdevallia [Masd.] Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Miltonia [Milt.] Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Odontoglossom [Odm.] Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Oncidium [Onc.] Oncidium Seedling Classic Orchid Mix
Oncidium Seedling Imperial Orchid Mix
Paphiopedilum [Paph.] Paph & Phrag Classic Orchid Mix
Paph & Phrag Imperial Orchid Mix
Phalaenopsis [Phal.] Phalaenopsis Classic Orchid Mix
Phalaenopsis Phal Bark Imperial Orchid Mix
Phal Bark Multi Purpose Classic Orchid Mix
Phalaenopsis AAA Imperial Orchid Mix
Phragmipedium [Phrag.] Paph & Phrag Classic Orchid Mix
Paph & Phrag Imperial Orchid Mix
Psychopsis [Psychp.] Paph & Phrag Classic Orchid Mix
Paph & Phrag Imperial Orchid Mix
Sarcochilus [Sarco.] Paph & Phrag Classic Orchid Mix
Paph & Phrag Imperial Orchid Mix
Sophronitis [Soph.] Cattleya Classic Orchid Mix
Cattleya Imperial Orchid Mix
Stanhopea [Stan.] Paph & Phrag Classic Orchid Mix
Paph & Phrag Imperial Orchid Mix
Vanda [V.] Vanda Basket with Large Coconut Husk Chips

Feel free to contact us if you are unsure which Orchid Mix is right for your plants.

"Helping Bloom Happy Orchids One Pot At A Time For Over 25 Years"